
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Book review)

 BOOK REVIEW: Petualangan Sherlock Holmes (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) Currently, one of my favorite books. I hope this short review will also make you love this book. A. Novel Identity 1. Book Title: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 2. Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 3. Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama 4. Year of publication: 2020 5. Place of publication: Jakarta 6. Thickness: 344 pages 7. Translation: Dra. Daisy Dianasari 8. ISBN: 9786020635514  B. Synopsis and Table of Contents Novel  The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a novel that contains a collection of the adventures of the famous 19th-century detective, Sherlock Holmes with his loyal friend, dr. John Watson is the narrator in this book. This novel contains twelve stories of Sherlock Holmes' adventures during his 'career' as an eccentric private detective, starting from the story "Scandal in Bohemia" to "Adventure in the Copper Beeches". One of the stories in this book is entitled Sca

A Letter for Najwa Shihab

 To Najwa Shihab Dear Najwa To Najwa Shihab Happy International Woman's Day remain a woman of dedication and integrity be a new milestone in today's politics uphold justice show that women are not to be underestimated be an inspiration to women all over Indonesia thank you for daring to sacrifice yourself for justice in Indonesia where your life can be at stake we appreciate all of your critics, voices, and words. we appreciate all of your dedication and integrity, thank you for maintaining the quality of both journalism and the women of Indonesia Thank you for your every single contribution to this country

My Goal, My Hope, My Dream

  Goals, Hopes, Dreams بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Hello! My name is Raditya Aryatama Wiradisuria. You can read more about me  here ! Being a policeman, an astronaut, a firefighter. Yes. These were my dreams of what I want to be when I was studying at a kindergarten level. I used to think that these professions were the professions that many kids' dreamed of, well I'm not sure, but, at least that's what I imagine when I was a child. However, as I grew up, getting mature, and realizing thing's going on in this world, I've changed my mind about being either of these professions. Currently, I am studying at one of the best high-school in West Java, SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. Which I think most of the junior high-schoolers would have known. I am a student in Science Class, which means I study physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematic (higher level than the obliged one). I love biology, I am excited when it comes to biology class. Probably because I adore the creations of the Al

Dialogue: 𝑫𝒊𝒕𝒂, 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒊, 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒌𝒔 (Suggestions & Offer)

𝑫𝒊𝒕𝒂, 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒊, 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒌𝒔 Monday, 13th of July is the new semester of school and also a happy day for the newcomers who have just been accepted to SMAN 3 Bandung. First of all, they have to participate in PLiST and DEMEKS. PLiST or Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah Tiga is an annual event held by the school and student council (OSIS) for the newcomers. It helps the newcomers to learn the things that they need to know within the school. The basic things such as the Vision and Mission of our school, the facilities inside our school, and the culture; 7S and KKS. Within the event, there are also seminars about the danger of narcotics by BNN, the safe way of driving by the local police, and many more. After PLiST, there is also DEMEKS, which is a demonstration of the extracurriculars available in our school. The event helps the newcomers to choose which extracurricular they want. It is only held for two days. DEMEKS' theme is changing in every year, depending on the st


•Human Cause Disaster: 9/11• The September 11 attacks, usually called 9/11, were a series of four acts of terrorism that took place in the United States. The attacks happened on the morning of Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. It resulted in thousands of deaths, including the perpetrators'. The attacks caused billions of dollars worth of infrastructural damage. The series of attacks were conducted by the 'Islamic' terrorist group, al-Qaeda. They hijacked a flying domestic aircraft and crashed it to the famous WTC tower. Besides that, there were two attacks in New York City, and one in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth attack failed and the plane crashed on a field in Pennsylvania. Four passenger planes that were operated by two major U.S. airline companies (United Airlines and American Airlines), which departed from an airport in the northeastern United States and were destined for San Fransisco and Los Angeles, were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists. Two of the four pla

COVID19 (tasks)

Assalamualaikum. Peace be upon you all. Here are some posters about the disaster that happening right now all over the world. Let's pray so that we are safe from the virus and hope that the pandemic will be over soon.