My Goal, My Hope, My Dream

 Goals, Hopes, Dreams

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Hello! My name is Raditya Aryatama Wiradisuria. You can read more about me here!

Being a policeman, an astronaut, a firefighter. Yes. These were my dreams of what I want to be when I was studying at a kindergarten level. I used to think that these professions were the professions that many kids' dreamed of, well I'm not sure, but, at least that's what I imagine when I was a child. However, as I grew up, getting mature, and realizing thing's going on in this world, I've changed my mind about being either of these professions.

Currently, I am studying at one of the best high-school in West Java, SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. Which I think most of the junior high-schoolers would have known. I am a student in Science Class, which means I study physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematic (higher level than the obliged one). I love biology, I am excited when it comes to biology class. Probably because I adore the creations of the Almighty. The complexity of the human body, animals, bacteria, viruses, it's just amazing. And the second favorite among those subjects is probably chemistry or math because chemistry and math are easier than physics and also easier to understand. 

Before talking about my dream right now, let's take a step back to elementary school and junior high school. So, I really love math and science back then. Maybe because the subjects were easier. And what I love most is I always get good grades. But, at that moment I have another "thing" to strive the most. It was Taekwondo, I joined Banzai Taekwondo Club at 

Bjs Elementary School when I was in 2nd grade. The reason why I joined Taekwondo was that i followed my brother, Kreshna. 

As a kid that has just moved from another city, I am really insecure. I was getting bullied by another child, physically. I was terrified of talking to my classmates except to only a few people that were really welcoming and really kindhearted. Joining Taekwondo at that specific time really improved my mental, I became braver and not scared of the bullies. I remember I fought the bullies, just like in a novel story or a film, haha.

My taekwondo career was really good and I am grateful for that. I joined many competitions, I trained with my friends, I improve my strength and mental by doing routine exercises two or three times a week. I joined UPI CHALLENGE 2014, GWK BALI 2015, INDOSAT OOREDO 2016, MOks SEMARANG 2016, PANDAWA, 7 PYONGWONS. It was really fun and enjoyable moments I've experienced in my life. 

PPDB 2017. I successfully got accepted at SMP Negeri 5 Bandung with the best score. I never expect that by joining competitions I could get an academic privilege, I am really grateful that God has let me choose Taekwondo as a hobby. I got a gold medal and a certificate signed by the Ministry of Sports and Youth, Imam Nahrawi, on The Bali Competition 2015. Not finished there, I received some kind of a trophy which appreciate my achievement in taekwondo from the Taekwondo Associates of Bandung (Pengcab TI Kota Bandung).

My junior high school life began with MPLS activity, which was an introduction to the school environment. We, new students, were introduced by the students of the Student Council and the teachers, the intricacies of SMP 5, starting from the teachers, the places, even the myths of the ghosts. Oh yes, we did MPLS according to the class that was announced at the beginning of the MPLS. Long story short, our MPLS is over.

On the first day of school, I entered the class of 7A. In this class, I met extraordinary people with their respective strengths. Some are good at sports, some are good academically, and some are good at playing music. It's hard to blend in at first. I only interacted with people I had known before in elementary school. But as time went by, I finally got to adapt and mingle with everyone in that class. The exam passed, thank God I got good grades and went to class.

8A, that's my class in grade 8. In grade 8, I regret one thing that until I graduated from junior high school I was still very sorry. That is, my involvement in playing so I refused to enter the student council. Long story short, at the beginning of grade 8, while studying with counseling, Andre, the Head of PK SMP 5 Bandung announced the names selected to participate in the student council selection. These names were chosen based on grade 7 rankings. Since when I was in grade 7 I won the top 10, I was included in the list.

That afternoon, after school, when the student council candidates were called to be briefed and such, I strongly refused, even though my mother insisted, I was still reluctant to become the Student Council.

As time went by, and the exams passed, I got 2nd rank and I went up to 9A class, everything felt calm & relaxed until I found out who had gone up to 9A grade. DARR, it is like stabbing the mind, how could it not, the people of 9A class are o the smartest people in their 8th grade!

The semester break was over, I walked to class 9A worriedly “Huh, can I survive in this class? “, The sentence that haunted me that day. When I entered the classroom, my heart was beating nervously, how could I not, I spent the next year with the smartest people in SMP5. When I entered, I realized that everyone, including me, was very proud of each other. I think that's normal because they are smart people.

As time went by, I got to know everyone in the class, I realized, they were the best people in SMP5, and I had to be better with them around me almost every day. I have to be carried away in the flow of their diligent study, their critical thinking, and their high expectations.

 9A finally got more solid, the stronger the bonds, the more eager to go to school every day. Although, with a heavy burden considering all of us are competing. All of us could be one because we felt 'together'.

Also in 9A grade, I felt the peak of my regret for not being the student council, because almost half of my classmates were part of it and even some were the high-ranking officials in the Student Council. I am jealous of their cohesiveness, I envy their togetherness when holding events, I am jealous to see how cool they are to be the art performance (pensi) committee that invites extraordinary guest stars. I thought, why did I put forward my ego? Why did I not obey the wishes of my parents?

Even so, I still try to let it go. I'm trying to forget about it. I convinced myself that I could still be happy in other ways, one of which was by playing with my friends who were not student council members. I tried to convince myself that behind something, there must be a silver lining.

Approaching the exam period, I am increasingly focused on studying because I know these questions can take us to the desired high school. Therefore, I instilled a strong determination in myself that I should be able to boast of my parents by achieving high grades. I often prayed in those days, asking God to get top marks in school, in the city, or n the province.

Entering the National Examination week, the tension is getting worse, my learning outcomes for three years must be maximized during these times. Every time before going to school, I ask my parents to pray for it to make it easier.

After completing my National Examination, I can only trust and pray to Allah so that I will get a satisfactory score.

School activities have ended, graduation events have been carried out, farewells have been carried out. Now, it's just a matter of waiting for the UN results to arrive at my house. After some time, the graduation letter and the letter containing my test scores arrived.

"Total value = 393.5", like getting a gift from the sky. I was so happy that I bowed down in gratitude many times! I feel that day is the best in life. Especially when I found out that my prayer was granted by God, my grades were the highest in my school. I am grateful I can make my parents happy.

That's how I made it to this school, SMAN 3 Bandung. Although my taekwondo experience isn't related to my "latest" dream, I believe taekwondo has changed me as a person to be more confident, brave, and shaped me to who am I now.

"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction end up being the biggest step of your life for your success."

Currently, I am a grade XI student. I want to be a doctor, to fulfill my parents' wishes. Well, to be honest, it is still not fixed. I still have to think and consider it, cause my mom gave me a task, have a little research about the faculties and majors so that I will not regret my choice.

With the extraordinary people in my environment today, I hope to be like or even surpass them. I am convinced, by learning from my experience, that in fact, nothing is impossible for the Creator. Therefore, obey Him, then anything can happen.

I am sure, that behind everything, even though it is bad, there must be lessons that can be taken, as I experienced at that time. I am grateful that at that time I did not become a student council, because if I were a student council, I would not necessarily be able to continue my education to SMAN 3 Bandung.

Hope you enjoy, see ya!


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